Friday, September 19, 2008

All New Chevy Volt

Many of us hate the amount of money we needlessly spend filling up our vehicle at the gas station, but do we want to buy cars from foreign made countries? While many people believe it is essential to buy American made from the "big 3", the selection of vehicles that are hybrids and can obtain gas mileage of over 30 miles per gallon is limited. What if an American based company produced a car that doesn't need gas for the first 40 miles?

This dream is becoming a reality, and should be in production by November of 2010. General Motor's new unveiling of the Chevy Volt will revolutionize the hybrids in America. While the hybrid works both on gasoline and electric, it does not need to start the gasoline engine until it has gone over 40 miles. Making this an ideal means of transportation for anyone who travels just a few miles a day for work or any other event.

General Motor's is not only focused on the use of batteries to power a vehicle they are working on many other hybrids and alternative fuel sources to power the way of the future. Some of the other sources of power are plug-in vehicles, bio-fuels, and fuel cells. They have put tons of time and research into producing the Volt to make sure the batteries and electrical system in the car can stand up to any condition. With production starting very soon, the way of the future in vehicles is just around the corner for America.

1 comment:

Dj_P said...

Something like this would be great. Even if its not battery operated any way that saves gas and money is my kind of car. I drive a Dodge Ram and its killing me on gas so I know how it feels when gas hits $4/gal and now 50 bucks gives me like 1/3 of a tank its ridiculous. Hope GM does end up finding any other type of alternative fuel. The Volt seems to small for my taste so maybe hopefully a truck that runs hybrid. Good blog it got my attention.