Thursday, September 18, 2008

No Worries!!!

Driving home tends to be a major hassle for me and a couple of buddies. It’s not that we have no clue on how to get there, nor is it construction problems. Speed is our infinite problem because I don’t know how you drive but I like to get to my destination fast. So what’s the problem, cops?
Everyone’s enemy when we are running late. They seem to always show up at the wrong time and never be there when they are actually needed. Fortunately, there is an answer to this problem. All you have to do is equip your car with a radar scanner. These scanners send out wave and find hi frequency scanners like the ones cops use. It is a very useful tool if you think about it.

Some scanners have the intelligence to remember where cops stay or even have the learning capability to block out false alarms. On one scanner I read about, it gives you your speed so you can adjust to what you think is the correct speed even before it’s too late. The coolest review I read was about how the Escort Passport 9500i Radar Detector could adjust the strength of its search results to your speed. This easily translates to, if you’re going 10 miles an hour it’s not going to pick up a cop from a mile away; but if you’re going 85, it can pick a signal from a mile or two away. This system however is not a cheap one, but they basically can guarantee no tickets.

If you consider the cost and how much it can save a speedy driver, I would recommend this to all speedy drivers. However, if you’re a bit skeptic, there are cheaper models that can get the job done. You can find radar detectors at Best Buy, Wal-Mart, and target. Basically anywhere you can buy car electronics. Have fun this weekend and remember with a device like this, cops would be the least of your worries on the road

1 comment:

Durty_Burd said...

This is the best blog ever! Being quick to push the pedal, and slow to look in my rear view has proved to be quite a problem for me in the past. Excellent tips on reliable radars. Unfortunately the cobra just does not cut it any more. Thanks for the tips, you definately just gave radarbusters a new customer!