Wednesday, October 1, 2008

From A Distance

Winters in Indiana can be some pretty rough times. Most of us are forced to wake up an extra 20 minutes early to grapple with the nearly inch thick sheet on ice on our windshield. Then when you finally manage to enter your vehicle, you realize that the nickel sized vision hole you managed to carve out of the windshield just isn’t big enough to see out of. That’s when you just sit in your car and rev up the engine in hopes that you won’t have to go back out in the freezing cold praying you car will warm up soon enough so the defrost will melt the sheet of ice. Your butt is basically freezing to the seat as you drive and your hands are beginning to stick to the steering wheel! It’s just no fun driving to work or even school. But there’s a simple remote that solves all of these problems for us.

The remote engine start has the answer to all our prayers. It allows me and you to just peek outside the window or open the garage door to turn our car on. Using the same technology as the remote unlock button, this remote sends radio waves to your car’s computer giving it the signal to turn on. It then allows your car to warm up while you’re inside your hopefully warm home preparing to leave for the day ahead of you. You need not waste your time on scraping windows in the winter any more. The best part is that if you start your car soon enough your car will be nice and toasty, free from harsh winter air. No more fighting with ice or cold seats.

The price for this baby really isn’t bad. You can find fairly decent ones for fewer than 200 dollars and they last long too, so there is no wasted money. If the remote stops working it more or less just the battery from your over use of the nifty little device. I love using my grandmas because I think it’s so cool that you can start your car from inside your house or even outside just as long as you’re in the 20 meter range. However, there are just a couple of minor setbacks.

The only thing going through my mind while I was typing this is how clumsy I am and I would accidently start my car and it would be on all night. If you think about it, that would be terrible! It would drain your battery and leave your gas tank empty, neither of which is a good thing in the morning when you’re about to leave for work or school. Another thing that the remote keyless entry does is open the door for thieves. Hackers can steal the signal the remote gives off and they would be able to steal your car even easier than before. With a gadget like this, you have to be careful. But I certainly think that the pros out way the cons in this case!


Unknown said...

I hate winters in Indiana. I remember just last winter hearing stories from my friends about how they had to get up extra early to scrape the ice off their windshields. Lucky me, I got to keep my car in the garage all winter. But that's beyond my point. I know I hated getting in my car after school and freezing my butt off. I lived less than 5 miles from my high school and I hated sitting in the parking lot just waiting to warm. It would be so convienent to have a remote like that to turn my car on before I even got outside. And knowing me and my luck I would probably be the one to turn my car on and leave it on overnight. You did a very nice job of "selling" me this product in your blog. I think I might need to invest in one of these as soon as possible.

AJ said...

I know exactly what you mean.. I don't know how many times I have gotten up and gotten all ready for school and then went to my car and it was basically frozen! A couple of times the doors have been frozen shut and I had to poor hot water on them. I HATE winter time! I was also in a car crash last winter that totalled my car because I was trying to drive home in the freezing cold and slid on some ice! I wish I would of had a remote starter to get my car all warm and cozy inside and maybe I would still have my old car!

AJ said...

I definitely know what you are talking about.. I don't know how many times I have gotten up and gotten all ready for school just to go outside and see my car with layers and layers of ice on it. I once last year had to pour hot water on my doors because they were frozen shut. I think a remote starter would of been great and would of prevented me from being late to school several times last winter. It probably would of also helped prevent my car accident last winter that was due to the extreme cold weather and ice. I am not looking forward to this winter at all!

AJ said...

I definitely know what you are talking about.. I don't know how many times I have gotten up and gotten all ready for school just to go outside and see my car with layers and layers of ice on it. I once last year had to pour hot water on my doors because they were frozen shut. I think a remote starter would of been great and would of prevented me from being late to school several times last winter. It probably would of also helped prevent my car accident last winter that was due to the extreme cold weather and ice. I am not looking forward to this winter at all!

Va-Tech777 said...

The Remote Starter is THE BEST thing I have ever had done to my car because during winter it really sucks to walk out and start my car. The thieve thing is really the least of my worries because I live in a fairly small city and I have a very expensive remote starter with alarm system combo so the signal is much harder to steal, although it is possible to steal the single. I just love how when your walking up to your car, if you have the heat on when you shut it off, then you could start the car before getting in and then it would be warm when you opened the door.

Shilpa said...

I totally agree that this is device is an answer to our prayers. I have heard how much time you save by using this remote on a busy day. After hearing nice things about this device, I thought that this would be really expensive and I was surprised that they come for less than $200.
One of the things I like about this entry is that you describe something that everyone has gone through in the first paragraph and then come up with the solution. Also, I like how you bring out the cons of this device and finish off with the “pros out way the cons”.
Not only is this entry interesting, it’s also informative. Nice Work!!!