Friday, October 3, 2008

Musical Roads

Growing up as a kid I spent a lot of time with my grandparents, and one thing my grandfather loved to do while he was driving was hit the rumble strip on the side of the road (where you are not supposed to be) and of course this would shake the car and he would yell “Wake UP!” I always found this to be funny, one probably because of the obscene noise it did make, and also because of my grandpa’s funny nature. As I grew older I came to realize that it was kind of scary that he was driving back and forth to hit the rumble strip on the shoulder of the road. But what if the rumble strip was brought onto the road?

The way it works is the road has been “tuned” to a certain speed a car must go, and also some have been based on a certain car’s wheelbase and tires to give it that almost perfect tune and sound. It seems to be a hit for kids, but the people living close to the road seem to not care for it too much. They must not like the same song being played day after day when they come home from work. I wouldn’t like it either if I had to listen to a poor humm of “The William Tell Overture” everyday after a long day at work.

I think that they should implement more of these though, maybe on two lane roads where people can choose not to drive on the musical path. Some of the roads have been complained about so much that they are being paved over.

The only thing that scares me is what happens when you want to rewind or listen to it be played faster?

1 comment:

Allison said...

Love the last sentence.